Department Profile
Established in 1990, the Mechanical Engineering Department offers courses in B-Tech and M-Tech suiting to the requirements of modern industry. The department presents a nice blend of courses focusing on recent development in engineering and technology with special emphasis on design, thermal technologies, production processes, automobiles and CAD/CAM. The department has well furnished labs: CAD lab, CAM lab with CNC machines, Heat & Mass transfer lab, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning lab, DOM lab, Materials and testing lab, Mechanics lab, Fluid Machinery lab, Machine Drawing hall, Automobile lab, Measurement and Metrology lab, Power plant lab, Manufacturing Science lab, Applied thermodynamics lab and the workshop with welding, machine, forging, sheet metal, carpentry and fitting shops. The CAD lab has all the design softwares like Solid-Works, AutoCAD, Cadian, Ansys, Pro-E etc. Under the guidance of the Head, Dr Sanjay Agrawal; the department is fully centred in the all round development of students. All the faculties are hard working and provide full support to the students. Mechanical Department faculties have more than 50 international and national papers published in various conferences and journals. The faculties have also tied up with international and national research projects. In the session 2010-2011, the pass-out students were placed in the leading organisations such as BARC, ISRO, ONGC, IOCL, NTPC, NPCIL, BEL, Delhi Metro and in private companies like Jindal, Lohia, L&T, Tech-Mahindra, etc.
Imparting quality education to produce Mechanical Engineers and enhance their skills to make them globally competitive. Enable to produce members of interdisciplinary teams, capable to adapt the changes in environments of engineering and technology. Instill vital thinking abilities among prospective engineers and develop leadership qualities, innovative ideas and entrepreneurial skills. To develop linkages with global R&D organizations and premier educational institutions for excellence in teaching and research.